My my what a year! 2024 rushes to say fare thee well so it is time for our winter newsletter. Here’s a summary of the year, and news of what’s to come in 2025.
During 2024 we attended many mini ship shows, and it was fantastic to see customers old and new around the country. We were at three Wellows, two Theales, one Lincoln, and one Southampton Ocean Liner show. We hope to do the same in 2025, with the addition of Liverpool that we were unable to get to this year, and will share dates with you as soon as we know them!
We celebrated the 8th birthday of the website with an extensive Birthday Sale in June and July. Our Falklands Range of over 40 ships made for the 2022 commemorations have nearly all sold out. So, if you missed out on any then please buy sooner rather than later.
We have hand-made another long list of ships as follows:
MV Manxman the new Isle Of Man Ferry.
US Military Sealift 2nd Lt Bobo, USNS Seay (Bob Hope Class cargo ship), the Watson Class, and the Gordon Class.
Still on the US theme we have updated and remade USS Midway as she was in three different eras reflecting the changes in aircraft ’57 to 66, 1970s, 1990s. Along with another run of USS Gerald Ford we were able to make some USS John F Kennedy with her changed island.
Back to the RN we have made a second run of RFA Blue Rover, Cable Ship Iris (1982), and Type 42 batch 2 HMS Exeter which were brand new metal models created for the Falklands 40 commemoration.
Two other new commissions for 2024 enabled us to make – HMS Endurance (peacetime livery, pennant A171), and CS Monarch (Cable & Wireless liveried) cable ship, sister to CS Iris and also built in Glasgow in 1976
We have also produced from scratch twelve different modern Stealth Ships from navies around the world, the fourth set arriving in December.
We hope this radical concept provides interest to old collectors as well as attracting new and younger collectors to this wonderful model world.
Each set has three different models, you’ll find the ships get longer as the sets progress.
Set One has the Visbey Class, 022 Missile Boat, and Hamina Class.
Set Two has the Skjold Class, Kri Klewang, and Sea Shadow.
Set Three has the ADA Class, the TUO Chiang, and Project 20386.
Set Four has the Shivali, Type 005, and Admiral Gorshov.
We have a programme of remaking our most popular models and aircraft to replenish our stocks from time to time. In production as we write are the Type 31 vs3, the Type 26 vs3, and the Zumwalt vs3. Vs3 means the third run of a model and new tooling.
Also on the list are the much-loved Bretagne Ferry, Sir David Attenborough, and the Mannanan Fast Ferry. There are lists of sold-out CNC and Triang Minic models on our website that we try to keep updated.
Also, next year the final US Military Sealift Ship, the Shughart Class will be made.
Lastly, here’s news of our big project for 2025 that is underway, namely the manufacture of the Stena eFlexa Ferries. These are in the service of different companies mostly connecting the UK with Europe and in three different sizes.
Easter is our target date for the first models. There will be 2 short and 3 long Brittany ferries, 1 DFDS Dover ferry, 5 Stena and 3 Superfast. All in metal and we will make short runs to suit you. Having just gone ahead with commissioning the masters, we will bring you more detail next year.
We are going to have our next break from Monday 6th January to Monday 10th February 2025.
The eBay and Web shops will be closed so we can have some down time, listen to some live folk music, complete our accounts, do some thinking, and generally have a good sort out of new and interesting items for sale. Clive has a load of model railways, Scalextric and other toys to downsize.
When we close, we don’t disappear so we will always answer your emails in good time.
Mini Ship Shows 2025
Watch this space in the next Newsletter for dates and locations of mini ship shows in 2025! We plan to be at Wellow, Theale, Southampton, Liverpool and Lincoln.
Happy wintering,
Yours in ships, hobbies, and good companionship,
Clive and Dave Newman
who are CN Collectables. (CNC Models)